Beyond the innate beauty of a well-designed space is the opportunity to create a deeper association with the region by selecting materials and craftspeople well connected with the region. I have spent a sizeable portion of my time (some might say too much!) exploring different facets of Southern California, the people in it, its nature, and its history. This has been an enjoyable process and I love expressing this passion through my designs.
In a state the size of California it is no surprise that there is a wealth of raw materials to choose from. That being said, some local resources are more bountiful than others. The constraint of focusing on reginal materials creates limitations.
As a designer I find this challenge very exciting. New and interesting designs do not come from a vacuum. They need context. A focus on what the region can and cannot offer is a great way to achieve new, interesting, and, most importantly, beautiful designs based on regional character.
I have always been a great admirer of regionally associated craftspeople throughout the world. It is those who get their hands dirty who are the connection between the natural environment and the spaces we create. Yet quality craftsmanship is not widely associated with Southern California. Sadly our region is known for being more transient and faddish.
But quality craftspeople are here and in abundance. They just don’t fit the popular image of the region. As Hatheway Design moves forward we will continue to explore new and invigorating ways to work with local craftspeople in concert with regional materials.
I love history and I think many in Southern California grossly undervalue its past. I don’t think you can have great regional design without a great respect for the history of a place.
Southern California has a rich and unique history of design. Whether it is the patterning of baskets from indigenous groups, or the stage sets of Cedric Gibbons, this area does not lack an abundance of unique elements. The incorporation of historic and regional design elements, however subtle, helps give a timeless quality and rootedness to what I create.